
Autonomous Optical Monitoring System


Three IP cameras (2 in Kamari and 1 in Marmari) were deployed at appropriate elevation to monitor the pilot beaches. The cameras provided video (3gp) with a resolution of 1920×1080 and recording frequency of 5 Hz (i.e. frames per second). The cameras are stabilized, so that the optical field of view remains untouched during the lifetime of the station.

Οι σταθμοί πεδίου είναι απολύτως αυτόνομοι, ενώ παρέχεται η δυνατότητα απομακρυσμένης διαχείρισης των παραμέτρων λειτουργίας του και επισκόπησης των περιβαλλοντικών συνθηκών σε πραγματικό χρόνο. Το οπτικό σύστημα είναι βαθμονομημένο (παραμόρφωση φακών, ύψος καμερών από το επίπεδο της θάλασσας, σημεία γεωαναφοράς), ώστε τα πρωτογενή βίντεο και τα προϊόντα αυτών να μπορούν να μετατραπούν σε γεωαναφερμένα μωσαϊκά.

System Installation

Three IP cameras (2 in Kamari and 1 in Marmari) were deployed at appropriate elevation to monitor the pilot beaches. The cameras provided video (3gp) with a resolution of 1920×1080 and recording frequency of 5 Hz (i.e. frames per second). The cameras are stabilized, so that the optical field of view remains untouched during the lifetime of the station.

System Set-up and Image Georectification

Despite the physical installation of the system. Additional actions were performed to set-up and georectify the optical products. Such actions include the correction of the geometry of the optical data due to lens distortion, as well as as the collection of Ground Control Points (GCPs), used to project the images/products to geographical coordinates from pixel points.

Basic Products

Despite the physical installation of the system. Additional actions were performed to set-up and georectify the optical products. Such actions include the correction of the geometry of the optical data due to lens distortion, as well as as the collection of Ground Control Points (GCPs), used to project the images/products to geographical coordinates from pixel points.

Shoreline Detections

Shoreline detection on the optical data/images is achieved through automated algorithms based on objective and distinct criteria, developed from the project’s team. Detections are based on a local kernel algorithm that scans the IMMAX or TIMEX image superfast at the area of interest.

Continuous operation of the optical system provides longterm and analytical time-series of the morphodynamic processed that take place in the area of study.

This research was supported by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.) under the “2nd Call for H.F.R.I. Research Projects to support Post-Doctoral Researchers” (Project Number: 211). https://www.elidek.gr/en/homepage/